报告题目:The Security, Privacy and Legal Aspects of IoT, Cloud and Mobile Networks
主讲嘉宾:陈磊 副教授 美国佐治亚南方大学
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of highly interrelated data retrieval terminals, computing and data storage devices, and communication networks and infrastructure. IoT depends on the cloud and mobile networks for processing and storing data, which is critical for making strategic decisions. It is critically important to ensure the security of the cloud and mobile devices, networks and communications for overall enhanced security and performance of the IoT. This talk will present the recent and current research findings and activities in the security, privacy and digital forensics in mobile services and the cloud, particularly on the challenges, security threats, and defenses in the relevant research toward a secure IoT.
嘉宾简介:Dr. Lei Chen is tenured Associate Professor in the Department of Information Technology, College of Engineering and Computing at Georgia Southern University. He also serves as the MSIT Graduate Program Director and WebBSIT Program Coordinator. Between 2017 and 2018, he served as the Interim Department Chair. Dr. Chen received Ph.D. in Computer Science and Software Engineering from Auburn University in 2007. He was Assistant Professor and later tenured Associate Professor at Sam Houston State University, and joined Georgia Southern University in 2015.
His research focuses on network and information security, privacy and digital forensics. He has published over 100 scholarly works and his research has been supported by the NSA/NSF, the NSFC, among others. His book Wireless Network Security: Theories and Applications has received about 20,000 combined downloads. Another of his books Security, Privacy, and Digital Forensics in the Cloud is ranked by Bookauthority as one of the 23 Best New Digital Forensics Books to Read in 2019. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE and has served as editor, associate/guest editor and on the editorial board for many high-impact journals, including but not limited to, the IEEE IoT, the IEEE Access, and the IEEE JNCA, among others. Dr. Chen has organized many highly-ranked international conferences and workshops, including, IEEE INFOCOM Workshop, IEEE GLOBECOM Workshop, IEEE ICNC, IEEE Mobile Cloud, IEEE Smart Cities and Innovations, EAI MobiMedia, and many others.