学术报告:From Biologically Inspired ICT to ICT Inspired Biomedicine
报告题目:From Biologically Inspired ICT to ICT Inspired Biomedicine
主讲嘉宾:Prof.  Yifan Chen, 新西兰怀卡托大学
Nature’s blueprints have inspired exciting new fields of science such as bio-inspired computing and communication, creating problem-solving and information transmission techniques using insights from natural systems. For example, the classical genetic algorithm is inspired by the process of natural selection, which solves complex optimization and search problems by relying on bio-inspired operators such as mutation, crossover and selection. Furthermore, the emerging molecular communication technology mimics existing communication mechanisms among microorganisms and utilizes biological molecules both as carriers and as information. On the other hand, we can ‘look the other way’ by exploiting computing and communication strategies for biomedicine. Computing-inspired biosensing represents detection of the analyte of interest as a solution-searching process, which can be viewed as a form of natural computing that is reliant on externally controllable and trackable agents (nanomachines) to find the best solution (target analyte); this allows for the application of classical computational techniques in the quest to design optimal cancer detection procedures. Furthermore, communication-inspired biotransport represents loading, 他transport and unloading of biomolecules as a message sending, propagation, and receiving process; this allows for the utilization of classical communication models, techniques, and protocols to design optimally targeted drug delivery. In this talk, I will review the latest advancement in the exciting field of computing- and communication-inspired biomedicine.
嘉宾简介:Dr. Yifan Chen is a Professor of Engineering and the Associate Dean External Engagement for the Faculty of Science and Engineering and the Faculty of Computing and Mathematical Sciences in the University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand. Prof. Chen’s current research interests include computing-inspired biosensing and communication-inspired biotransport, physics-based signal processing for microwave medical imaging, radiofrequency for body-centric imaging, sensing and communications, and propagation channel modeling. He is the Coordinator of the European FP7 “CoNHealth” project on intelligent medical ICT, an elected Working Group Co-leader of the European COST Action TD1301 “MiMed” project on microwave medical imaging, an Advisory Committee Member of the European Horizon 2020 “CIRCLE” project on molecular communications, an Associate Investigator of the New Zealand Consortium for Medical Device Technologies (CMDT) and MedTech Centre of Research Excellence (MedTech CoRE), a Voting Member of the IEEE Standards Development Working Group 1906.1 on nanoscale and molecular communications, an Editor for IEEE Communications Society Best Readings in Nanoscale Communication Networks and IEEE Access Special Section in Nano-antennas, Nano-transceivers, and Nano-networks/Communications, and a Vice Chair of the IEEE Communications Society Emerging Technologies Initiative for Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications. He also served as a General Chair, Technical Program Chair, Tutorial and Special Session Chair, and Local Organization Committee Chair for several premier IEEE conferences such as ICC, ICCE-China, ICCC, ICCS, APCAP, APEMC, EDAPS, etc. He is a Fellow of IET and a Senior Member of IEEE.